Saturday, November 30, 2013

Going So Cal

                 Malibu, is only a quick drive from our home, so the most obvious
thing to do in So Cal is surf.  Lessons from the beach Bum Dad, himself
were given. While Sammi loves adventure and seeks thrills, this happens
to not be one of her favorite things to do. Still it is an amazing and incredibly
difficult sport. Everett seemed to like it a bit and Katie absolutely loves it!  Either way the beaches in Cali are so beautiful its hard to stay away, so we found ourselves there several times a week, surfing, walking and eating, yes I said eating.  We like to eat, and the fresh seafood here is to die for.  What can I say? We are your typical California kids.  Although Malibu is not the best place to surf, the Paparazzi is really crazy to watch. Waiting hours to get that perfect pic of Matthew Mcconaughey or whoever is paddle boarding that day.  Well it wasn't for me haha!!!  Going to the beach was a great way for us to get away and enjoy the amazing beauty of Gods creation.

The more we  encountered the more we realized that every celebrity

is just a person.  Not any different than you or myself. They want to be left alone and treated like a normal person. Moving to Los Angeles was turning out to be a very eye opening experience in a lot of ways, i could have never expected..... 

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