Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Bad Nannies


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Kid Wisdom


Something that has been plaguing me for a few weeks, now was so casually put into light, I can not help but share.

Do we actually believe that kids, have little wisdom?  I think for the most part that we as adults do.  I was sitting quietly at Starbucks the other morning, and as Everett got up to retrieve our drinks a lady sitting next to him asked, is that your son.  I quickly responded yes.  She went on to tell how well behaved and sweet he seemed.  I said thank you and thought to myself, he was a very sweet boy.   At this point I honestly can't remember how we got on the subject of wisdom but, she said I have always felt that teens especially are far more in tune with themselves and have so much wisdom.  

Before you go thinking I am full of it, here is the theory.  When we are young we have less to fill our minds. We think possibly clearer than we do as an adult. Now I understand you may disagree. Though as adults we have seen a lot, experienced a multitude of things.   The move down here has been such a struggle on my psyche and who I am.  Hollister and all the things I was involved in defined who I was.  

Now without those things to distract me, I am left pondering who  I am!  That's okay, I am good with that.  So with a new mission in life, I was reminded by my very intelligent Freshman. "Mom, maybe you should go back to school and finish your degree." Makes perfect sense to teen, because to them why would you go to school for five years and never use any of it?  It never was an option before but why not?  I have been blown away on so many occasions what teens and kids see and interpret and digest.  It amazes me how they soak so much up. 
 I have been encouraged, thought to think differently and challenged by so my kids. Causing us to see things in their eyes in that fresh perspective, that we somehow have lost along the way.  Thinking upon it now brings a smile to my face, because we think we are smarter because we are older and that just isn't the case all the time........

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


If you would have told me I would be living in L.A. Even two years ago I would have laughed.

    Los Angeles was a place we visited often , but to live, never crossed my mind.  So here we are and wow was I wrong about a few things.  There are normal people here. No offense to the folks that lived here already but my first impression of Southern California was not fantastic.  

    After being here a year this week, I am delightfully surprised.  There is so much to offer and the people in the Industry are truly genuine and amazing.  Living in the Calabasas area, I am reminded of how most famous people just want to live simple lives. Acting is a job its not a lifestyle. It is how they make their living.  Its what they are gifted at. After all we are all given talents.  So living here puts a great, new perspective on the fact that we are all just people and we all have the same goals.  To live and be happy.

   What is different here is the fact that there is so much to offer.  With that though comes a price, we like to call traffic.  If you can find comfort and solitude in long car rides than this is the place for you. Maybe not really, but we are getting the hang of it.  As Pilot Season approaches, we shall see how the cookie crumbles.  I expect it to be good, going into our Sophomore year.   Either way we know that it is all in God's hands and he has a plan.

  So greetings form Sunny So Cal, and keep reading because it's bound to get interesting at some point!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A New Level Of Just Being A Mom

       Lets be honest when your kids are running around with goldfish and sippy cups the world seems a bit less confusing.  They smile and laugh and cry.  They run around with out realizing how much energy they sap out of you.  They are precious and loving and sassy and cute.  The concerns we have for them, is if they are getting enough veggies and sleep.  

Then along the way, somehow they evolve into the most amazing  nearly independent creatures.  How does this happen?  Was I prepared for teens?  Absolutely not!!!  I thought maybe, it would help being a young mother, and remembering High School all to well. Somehow its so different when you are talking about your own kids!  Who would have thought?  

 To be perfectly honest, I am blessed.  Even though my kids were under my wing longer than most, they have developed their very own personalities.  Its amazing to watch them leave my car every morning, and wonder to myself how will they handle that day and what challenges will they face?  Pressures and ideals thrown at them daily.  Its not easy and they handle it with stride. I often go to sleep wondering what kind of adults they will become.  

  Its fun to see them grow and tackle obstacles.  I wish I could say I know what I am doing but most of the time I don't.  All we can do is guide and nurture and share our own challenges and pray that they don't make the same mistakes as we once did.  Obviously they will have their share, of mistakes.  That is okay, I believe because we grow from that and become the people God designed for us to be.  

  As we forge ahead in this Journey, I can say that there are moments that cause me to stress and worry and then there are moments that simply take your breath away...........

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Forever Friends

Forever Friends

       Ballet shoes and the sound of tulle brushing through the fresh pink Capezio tights. Laughter and giggles and pink permanent lipstick.  Year after year the lives change but the people and bond remains. These are the the beautiful treasures we carry through our lives.  It doesn't matter what we endure or what we see, those that are dear to us are always with us. Distance and space cannot tear a bond so great.  
       I feel incredibly sentimental lately. Maybe its because there is so much time during the Holidays to remind us of what really matters. Getting caught up in life and the crazy schedules that we have.  So this will probably be the last sentimental blog for a while.  Not with Pilot season, on the horizon. Well actually who am I kidding, it's me! That won't happen!  

       So as the hours pass and the days, I am reminded that life is a strange thing. The people and the moments that God chooses to beautifully place in our lives is so absolutely incredible.  We can never replace or try to even change the destiny that our lives take us.  The most wonderful thing is we don't have to, and they make us who we are.  We are truly blessed, even though we don't see these people every day they are part of who we are, immersed in our souls.  


Nothing that time or space can tear apart, we carry on through our lives with the strength and the passion that our Forever friends have given us.