Thursday, December 26, 2013

Cherished Blessings

    Our Christmas Story is no different than yours. The only difference this year for us, is that we were far away from our loved ones and it was somewhat bittersweet.  I could Blog about how wonderful and precious these moments are.  Truth is it was not as cozy as most Christmas years. I couldn't get into the Spirit as much this year. I have not quite put my finger on why, until now.

     I have no excuse, we are blessed beyond our means.  The shift from moving from a beautiful small town, to the city has been really difficult.  There is so much to be said for the support and closeness of dear friends.  As I reflect on that today I am so filled with beautiful memories.  I have those to hold onto.  I don't mean to sounds ungrateful for being here, and what we have accomplished in such little time.  The kids have had some amazing opportunities and have learned so much.

    What I will say is this.  Without the support and love that we had over the years, this would not be possible.  The experiences and the nurturing that we coveted through our younger years in Hollister.  My Mom has been a huge encouragement in reminding me, that I have the best of friends and amazing support.For these things, I am truly honored.  

   What God has in store here, He unfolds very slowly.  I also know that this Odyssey is not going to be met without resistance.  There are struggles and often times, I long to sit and enjoy a moment with Kristy  at lunch or sit in Kara's kitchen and watch her bake a beautiful cupcake.  So many friends that lifted and encouraged me daily. The funny part is when your surrounded and emerged in it you don't  see the amazingness of it all. As I write this I am crying.  These moments are so precious.  Gifts from God that I will never let go of.

     Christmas Eve service, I sat as we sang to God for the gift of His Son Jesus. My arms around my kids listening to them sing from their hearts.  Its then that I realized no matter where we are, our loved ones are with us, in our hearts in our laughter and in who we are.  So I say thank you to all of our dear friends that have been such an amazing part of our lives. May we always cherish what we have and thank God for our Blessings, everyone.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


    Everett was recently on set, in Disneyland for a commercial.  This was an excellent experience!  So much preparation went into this commercial, it gave me a new appreciation for the industry.  So much goes into a project.  Everett was thrilled to do a job for Disney.  On location there was so much time spent in the park.  One of the interesting things about Disney is the complete care that goes into their business.  There is never a person unattended or a magical secret discovered.  They take the magic of the Kingdom very seriously.  As the kids filmed they were not allowed in certain areas, in case they saw a character without their mask on.  The whole intention of the Disney motto, is to not take the magic away from the children.                                                                                                                 Growing up loving Disneyland, I appreciated this, because the magic was never taken, and the fun of the Park is still there.  Everett did three days of filming and had an experience of a lifetime! He rode the Matterhorn 9 times, each pass getting a different take.   At one point,  he wore a Go Pro to get the riders view.  It is fun to watch all of this take place and watch others stop and seem curious as to what is happening.

    While filming, Everett made friends and saw a side of the park he never had.  The commercial will Air on Disney Channel after Christmas! 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Don't Ever Change

Laugh with me……..

   Yesterday I was reminded by a dear friend how important and healing it is to laugh.   Is it socially acceptable to be silly sometimes? I don't care if it's not. Yes I don't care.  I'm not the kind of mom who takes life too seriously.  
We need the healing that comes from laughing and letting go sometimes.  
   The other night, I watched my friend wrestle with her 14 year old son on the frosty wet grass.  She could have denied him the chance. She didn't though.  I love to laugh and be silly with my kids.  There is always time for it.  Its real and creates beautiful memories. 
   I thanked my friend the next day for allowing me to see that there are other Mothers that feel the same as I do.   She responded with this simple truth. Life needs moments, like these to balance out the difficult ones.  If not what would make this life enjoyable?  
  Having felt a bit guilty for being to much of a fun mom, I confided in her.  Her response was a gift.  Don't ever change!  Balance the tough days with love and laughter, and be true to yourself.


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Boys In Hollywood

Boys are more likely…

  Boys are more likely to get a job in Hollywood.  Why??  
Well its because there are simply fewer willing to take that avenue in life.  This was very clear the minute we showed up in L.A L.A Land.  Here is the truth.  During pilot season, there is a huge eruption of children and parents who flood into the LA area to audition. Pilot season, runs the gamut of early January to mid spring.  Its fast and furious.

  Trial by fire we entered the season, with very little understanding of the industry, except for what we had learned while attending AMTC.  I will talk about that in a different post.  With our Agent Jo Ann, by our side we begin submitting and going to every audition the kids were requested at.  This was an enormous job. While cruising the streets of the big city, we learned our way around expeditiously.  Very little time to breathe or even check the stats on each specific job.  The pile of auditions that Everett went on compared to the girls was astronomical.  
  After a week of being in Los Angeles, Everett was booked for a feature film.  What an experience!!  As soon as I can find the pictures of that I will blog about it.  He was thrown into Hollywood and the set experience.  Completely surreal, I was made aware that it is a lot about the look.  Not necessarily if you look good or are a stunner. No, its if you look the part they are seeking.  So many factors go into casting a role.  Not really much different that casting for a play.  We had experienced that a few times.  
   Everett, has had his share of auditions, and along with that, came rejection.  We never, took an audition with us.  It stayed there.  Meaning, we did not discuss the part or anything after that except to ask how it went.  This seems to work nicely.  We know that if it is not meant to be, God will not put his stamp of approval on it.  The kids are okay with that.  Life goes on and we just keep living it. The girls are mostly understanding that the amount of boys in the industry is less.  Katie has had several jobs, and even a modeling spot, which she loved dearly.  Sammi, was cast in a pilot show, that has turned into an amazing experience, and great friends!  So far our experience has been crazy, but exciting.  Going into our Sophomore year at this, we hope to have our heads on and be ready for the fast pace wild ride... 

Chalk Boards

Chalk Boards

   If only a chalkboard could tell a story..  I dream it could.  I found this chalk boards yard ago in San Juan Bautista, Ca.  It was placed outside my favorite antique store at the beginning of the quaint little town.  I stopped the car, It spoke to me.  Awkwardly placed in the front yard of the       victorian home, it sat amongst other artifacts from days gone by.   With a beautiful oak frame and stand to flip it over once the last lesson had been taught. 

   My mom and I purchased the piece of history and its  tremendous size.  Driving home, I imagined it situated in our school room and the studious children placed in front of it, soaking in the knowledge, written on it.  Sadly the chalkboard was to big and did not fit on the walls of the school room, due to the attic like configuration.  It was promptly taken off the stand and fixed to the wall in Everett's room.  Years went by, and it was a place for encouragement, lyrics and  solar systems drawn on it. 
  When we moved , I pleaded that it not be left behind.  So it was removed and packed up with the rest of the most important things and taken to our home in Los Angeles.  Now it is proudly placed in our kitchen circa 1973.  It stands as a reminder of our last home and the memories and the fun things that were written on it.  It serves as a place for schedules, dedications of love to the latest crush,  a place of encouragement. Displayed is our favorite bible verse or quote from literature.  Right at this moment it reads,  " You have bewitched me heart and soul."  Hopefully we all know what that is from, the beloved and timeless Pride and Prejudice.
    The chalkboard is a piece of history, I ponder the children who sat in front of it, or if it served as a chalkboard to young pupils in early California. I love this Chalkboard, but I cherish the things written on it, and the people who visit here and sign their name.  Small cherished blessings we hold dear, as life goes on its merry way.

Take a moment as my dear friend would say and breathe…..

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


   In August of this year, Sam recorded her first song.  This has been an amazing experience because her Music Producer, has encouraged her in so many ways. As she writes her own lyrics and melodies, I am amazed at how much of her training in music has come into play.  Piano, guitar and voice lessons, are such a crucial part of this.  She has had such beautiful role models of this. Heidi, Mindy, Becky, and Kevin.  Those that believed in her.  Her love of singing has taken her down a path, that will be filled with creativity and endless experiences.

   Writing her own music has been a challenge, but she welcomes it with open arms.  We are proud of what she has accomplished in such a short amount of time.  

The music Video was filmed last week.  DREAMLAND, was shot in three locations.  A park scene for the dream sequence, and a sound stage, and Sam's High School.  It was a very full and crazy weekend!  Lots of shots amazing friends and Crew, put in so much effort to make it  huge success.  We even had some special friends come from Hollister. We love our Hollister Family and feel very honored to have had them.  
The Leads Taking a Break

We are excited to see the finished product, as Mike continues to edit and make it exactly what he envisioned it to be.  There is so much that goes into a project.  When it is complete we will be able to release the song and video at the same time.  In anticipation we wait…..

Monday, December 2, 2013

Teenage Journey

Being silly at Fresh Brothers
    Watching your kids grow up can be bittersweet.  There are many times I wish I could take a brick and place it on their heads. As if that would even stop the process one bit.  So instead of holding them back, we allow them to spread their wings a bit.  Life is full of experiences that shape us into the adults we were meant to become.       Having home schooled up until this year, the reality of that is all to real.  Public school and all of its glory.  So far so good, but it is a huge learning curve for us as parents. 
     Teens in general are an interesting breed.  Sam is no exception. She is bright, a year ahead and has a over sized heart.  I love her to pieces.  She is determined to succeed in everything she tries.  I admire that about her!   Two months ago she met a boy. We adore him and think the world of him. I am blogging about this, because its part of our lives and part of a teens passage.  This is all new territory for me, although I do remember being this age. It is such a huge transition and quite honestly difficult and fun.  
     Having been a youth leader, I find myself intrigued by the teenage mind.  Emotions!!!!!!! They fill the house everyday, highs and lows.  At the end of the day all they really desire, is love and acceptance.  So many kids struggle with pain and sorrow.  As kids they have seen and experienced a lot!  Guide them on their path, be a voice of encouragement and love.

Sam and Luke
Homecoming 2013

     Take a deep breathe, live in the moment. It's a blessing from God.