Monday, December 2, 2013

Teenage Journey

Being silly at Fresh Brothers
    Watching your kids grow up can be bittersweet.  There are many times I wish I could take a brick and place it on their heads. As if that would even stop the process one bit.  So instead of holding them back, we allow them to spread their wings a bit.  Life is full of experiences that shape us into the adults we were meant to become.       Having home schooled up until this year, the reality of that is all to real.  Public school and all of its glory.  So far so good, but it is a huge learning curve for us as parents. 
     Teens in general are an interesting breed.  Sam is no exception. She is bright, a year ahead and has a over sized heart.  I love her to pieces.  She is determined to succeed in everything she tries.  I admire that about her!   Two months ago she met a boy. We adore him and think the world of him. I am blogging about this, because its part of our lives and part of a teens passage.  This is all new territory for me, although I do remember being this age. It is such a huge transition and quite honestly difficult and fun.  
     Having been a youth leader, I find myself intrigued by the teenage mind.  Emotions!!!!!!! They fill the house everyday, highs and lows.  At the end of the day all they really desire, is love and acceptance.  So many kids struggle with pain and sorrow.  As kids they have seen and experienced a lot!  Guide them on their path, be a voice of encouragement and love.

Sam and Luke
Homecoming 2013

     Take a deep breathe, live in the moment. It's a blessing from God.

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