Thursday, December 5, 2013

Boys In Hollywood

Boys are more likely…

  Boys are more likely to get a job in Hollywood.  Why??  
Well its because there are simply fewer willing to take that avenue in life.  This was very clear the minute we showed up in L.A L.A Land.  Here is the truth.  During pilot season, there is a huge eruption of children and parents who flood into the LA area to audition. Pilot season, runs the gamut of early January to mid spring.  Its fast and furious.

  Trial by fire we entered the season, with very little understanding of the industry, except for what we had learned while attending AMTC.  I will talk about that in a different post.  With our Agent Jo Ann, by our side we begin submitting and going to every audition the kids were requested at.  This was an enormous job. While cruising the streets of the big city, we learned our way around expeditiously.  Very little time to breathe or even check the stats on each specific job.  The pile of auditions that Everett went on compared to the girls was astronomical.  
  After a week of being in Los Angeles, Everett was booked for a feature film.  What an experience!!  As soon as I can find the pictures of that I will blog about it.  He was thrown into Hollywood and the set experience.  Completely surreal, I was made aware that it is a lot about the look.  Not necessarily if you look good or are a stunner. No, its if you look the part they are seeking.  So many factors go into casting a role.  Not really much different that casting for a play.  We had experienced that a few times.  
   Everett, has had his share of auditions, and along with that, came rejection.  We never, took an audition with us.  It stayed there.  Meaning, we did not discuss the part or anything after that except to ask how it went.  This seems to work nicely.  We know that if it is not meant to be, God will not put his stamp of approval on it.  The kids are okay with that.  Life goes on and we just keep living it. The girls are mostly understanding that the amount of boys in the industry is less.  Katie has had several jobs, and even a modeling spot, which she loved dearly.  Sammi, was cast in a pilot show, that has turned into an amazing experience, and great friends!  So far our experience has been crazy, but exciting.  Going into our Sophomore year at this, we hope to have our heads on and be ready for the fast pace wild ride... 

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