Tuesday, December 3, 2013


   In August of this year, Sam recorded her first song.  This has been an amazing experience because her Music Producer, has encouraged her in so many ways. As she writes her own lyrics and melodies, I am amazed at how much of her training in music has come into play.  Piano, guitar and voice lessons, are such a crucial part of this.  She has had such beautiful role models of this. Heidi, Mindy, Becky, and Kevin.  Those that believed in her.  Her love of singing has taken her down a path, that will be filled with creativity and endless experiences.

   Writing her own music has been a challenge, but she welcomes it with open arms.  We are proud of what she has accomplished in such a short amount of time.  

The music Video was filmed last week.  DREAMLAND, was shot in three locations.  A park scene for the dream sequence, and a sound stage, and Sam's High School.  It was a very full and crazy weekend!  Lots of shots amazing friends and Crew, put in so much effort to make it  huge success.  We even had some special friends come from Hollister. We love our Hollister Family and feel very honored to have had them.  
The Leads Taking a Break

We are excited to see the finished product, as Mike continues to edit and make it exactly what he envisioned it to be.  There is so much that goes into a project.  When it is complete we will be able to release the song and video at the same time.  In anticipation we wait…..

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